Shocked it’s nearly Fall? If you are realizing you never got around the Best Summer 2020 reads, it’s not too late! Barnes & Noble at Golden Triangle Mall in Denton still has all the books your friends have been raving about this summer. Here are a few of our favorite books perfect for this summer:

The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett

While shopping at Barnes & Noble, we suggest checking out Bennett’s second novel The Vanishing Half. Following identical twin sisters from the 1940s through the 1990s, The Vanishing Half tackles issues of racial identity and corrosive family secrets. This page-turner will transport you into another world and put you in the shoes of others’.

A Burning by Megha Majumdar

Chosen for the Today Show book club,  A Burning is no doubt one of the hottest books on the shelves right now. Majumdar’s debut novel tells a spell-bounding tale of three intertwining lives in the aftermath of a catastrophe in contemporary India. In this fast-paced thriller, Majumdar covers subjects of fate, success, class, corruption and justice.

Beach Read by Emily Henry

Quite a contrast to the other books on this list, Henry’s latest romance novel gives the reader a break from the perils of our world. Beach Read follows the budding romance between two authors in a quiet vacation town. If you are looking for a light-hearted read that will help you believe in the goodness of others, this is the best summer 2020 read for you!

If one of these books makes it to your summer reading list, come by the Barnes & Noble at Golden Triangle Mall in Denton. The spirit of the summer is still alive, so it’s not too late to get started on that reading list! To learn more about what is happening around the Golden Triangle Mall, check out our blog today!

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