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Breast Cancer Awareness Month at Golden Triangle Mall
Breast Cancer Awareness Month at Golden Triangle Mall

Did you know that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lives? According to, 330,080 women are expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018 alone. That’s why we are dedicating October to Breast Cancer Awareness month at Golden Triangle Mall. Here are some of the ways you can help the cause.

Check Yourself Regularly

Both men and women can be affected by breast cancer. While less than 1% of the reported cases happen in men, it’s still important for everyone to check themselves at least once a month for early symptoms. Just like with every disease, catching this form of cancer in its early stages give you the best chance for a full recovery.

Donate to the Cause

Organizations like the National Breast Cancer Foundation are spending over 80% of their donations helping spread awareness and treatment of breast cancer. This organization provides educational resources, offers free mammograms and funds patient navigation programs. Without them, many women would be left undiagnosed or on their own. Consider donating to their cause to help women everywhere.

Celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month with Golden Triangle Mall

JCPenny inside Golden Triangle Mall has decided to help raise money for breast cancer research and awareness the entire month of October. They will be donating $2 of every sale of women’s City Streets Breast Cancer Awareness Shirts to support the cause. Stop by the store today to buy one of the shirts for yourself.

Spreading awareness is the best way to help the survival rate of breast cancer, so remind the people you love to check themselves regularly. Together, we can help increase awareness and survival rate of breast cancer by participating in breast cancer awareness month at Golden Triangle Mall. Check out our blog today see the other ways we are helping people. #thatshowwedenton