Get Excited for Thin Line Festival in Denton at Golden Triangle Mall

Get Excited for Thin Line Festival in Denton at Golden Triangle Mall

It’s finally that time of year again! We’re gearing up to get artsy for the best Thin Line Festival in Denton’s history. You’ll get to experience five days of some of DFW’s finest filmmakers, musicians and photographers in all of your favorite hangout spots in Denton. Here are the best reasons why you shouldn’t miss Thin Line Festival in Denton at Golden Triangle Mall:

Everything You Need to Know About Thin Line Festival in Denton

If you’ve never been to Thin Line Festival before, you are in for a real treat this year. It’s a celebration of the arts that brings the entire community together for a wild ride from April 10th to April 14th. They’ll be showing exclusive screenings of documentaries from up and coming filmmakers, photography exhibitions from world-class photographers and music from the finest bands in DFW. The events are spread throughout Denton in some legendary spots including:

Get Your Cameras Ready for the Photography Exhibitions in Golden Triangle Mall

Art Exhibitions are art galleries composed entirely photographs that inspire the artists, and hopefully the viewers as well! We’ll be hosting a different photography exhibition in Golden Triangle Mall every day of the Thin Line Festival. You’ll have the chance to view some of the best pictures by brilliant photographers that will surely leave you in awe. If you like one enough, the artist might even sell you a print of their hard-earned photographs!

Grab Some Popcorn for the Documentary Film Screenings All Around Denton

Not only will we be showing of beautiful photography, but you’ll also get the opportunity to see independent films that will leave you breathless. Take a look inside the minds of up and coming filmmakers that you’ll surely see on the big screen in the near future. We’ll be screening documentaries such as Well Groomed and The Mischief Makers for your viewing pleasure.

The best part of Thin Line Festival in Denton is that it’s free for the public as long as you register! If you’re artsier than most, you can purchase a VIP pass that grants you priority access to all venues and private events for $99, or you can get a Supporter Pass for $29 that comes with a festival shirt. However you choose to celebrate the festival, you’ll have a great time either way. Want to learn more about Thin Line Festival in Denton? Check out our blog today!

Photo Sourced from Getty Images: #944741370